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“BRIDGING” Yongxin Old City Wenxing Bridge International Design Competition

Yongxin County People’s Government and China Building Centre

Yongxin City, Jiangxi, China

Competition Period

As an icon of a new era, the design of Wenxing Bridge will be used to bring about a desire for transformation. The harmonious merging of structure and architecture implies the seamless connection between the new and the old urban areas; and elegant dynamics express a vigorous power, depicting rediscovery; portraying a new life and new hope.

Wenxing Bridge is designed as a two-story complex with multiple functions. The lower part of the bridge integrates urban life and cultural business; bringing leisure, entertainment, and cultural experiences from the banks of the old city to the new districts. It aims to become a cultural generator, propagating interaction and activity. The upper floor is designed as an elevated park, stitching the landscape from the new districts back into the heart of the old city, and at the same time creating high-quality recreational spaces. Both levels open up into a series of multi-functional spaces, largely widening the space that allows you to fully appreciate the beautiful scenery of Mountain, River and City.

The people of Yongxin have always been closely related to the river. Our design concept is derived from the modern interpretation of Yongxin’s history; so in addition to the bridge itself, we have strategically incorporated the Hunan-Jiangxi Wharf into our bridge-complex, redefining it as a continuous floating platform. Staircases from the lower level of the Bridge-complex extend directly down to the floor, greatly enhancing the opportunities for interactions with the river, and enriches the overall experience.

The design of Wenxing Bridge not only acts as an incubator, cultivating a new urban life; at the same time providing a refreshing and elegant landmark, and a vision of the future, for Yongxin City.





2020年 九月

作為重建的開始破舊立新, 文星橋用嶄新的橋樑結構帶來希望和復興的渴望。結構跟建築之間的互動寓意新老城區的聯繫,優雅的動態表達了一種再生的力量和動感,意味著新的生命,新的飛翔,新的希望。

文星橋設計為兩層的綜合體,功能多元。橋的下層融入城市生活 文化商業,把古城河邊的休閒娛樂,文化體驗,創意市集帶到新區,是一個能夠激活市民互動交流,培育文化生活的發生器。上層則設計為高架公園,把新區的郊野公園元素帶回古城,增添優質的休憩空間。兩層都擁有多功能的室外空間,能夠充分欣賞到和水河兩岸水塔城山的美景。


文星橋的設計除了令人賞心悅目心曠神怡之外,它具備了前瞻性及地標性,相信一定能夠承先啟後,給永新人民一個展望未來的風景, 培育新的城市特色。