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Towards a Waterfront Amusement Park
Towards a Waterfront Amusement Park

Waterfront Recreation Centre – Young Architect Award 2018

Hong Kong Institute of Architects &
Asian Cultural Council

Yau Ma Tei Public Cargo Working Area, Hong Kong

Competition Date
Jun 2019

With the gradual decline of Hong Kong’s Cargo Handling Capacity as a port, and increasing public opinions to relocate public cargo working areas, it was foreseen that within decades, many Public Cargo Working Areas (PCWA) shall soon become obsolete. Amongst all PCWAs, Yau Mai Tei PCWA within the typhoon shelter, has particular potential because of its close adjacency with the West Kowloon Cultural District.

This proposal aims to gradually transform the area into an energetic waterfront dedicated to extreme sports, allowing the PCWA to continue operation until it is completely obsolete. Additional footbridges are proposed at strategic locations to enhance connections and catchment area to Olympic Station, Yau Ma Tei & Elements.

Juxtaposing against the existing straight and hard coastline, gentle & rhythmic curves could be seen on the edge and elevation of the promenade, resonating the sea waves, as well as giving a characteristic spatial & aesthetic experiences. The unique appearance of barge boats and crane towers are also strategically retained, and reused, for various ancillary structures; proudly illustrating the true heritage of Hong Kong’s marine history, as the area eventually develops into a world-class recreation district.

Honourable Mention

Towards a Waterfront Amusement Park
Towards a Waterfront Amusement Park

海濱康樂中心 – 2018 年青年建築師獎

香港建築師學會 & 亞洲文化委員會


2019 年 6 月

隨著香港作為港口的貨物處理能力逐漸減弱,而公眾詢求搬遷公共貨物裝卸區(PCWA)的輿論越來越多,不難估計這些公共貨物裝卸區(PCWA)很快就會遭到淘汰。在眾 PCWA 中,位於油麻地避風塘內的 PCWA 因毗鄰西九文化區而極具潛力。該提案就著這區的地理優勢 建議戰略性地增設行人天橋以加強周邊(與奧運站、油麻地及圓方)的連接及人流,逐步改造為一個充滿活力的濱水區,使油麻地PCWA 能夠繼續運營直至完全廢棄的同時 漸漸把空間歸還給大眾。

濱水區的設計利用了柔和而有節奏的曲線 與既有筆直、硬朗的填海變線形成對比,豐富了空間及顧客體驗。駁船和起重機塔的獨特外觀也被特地保留 並重新用於各種附屬結構;等待PCWA 濱水區成為世界級的休閒區的時候 能夠自豪地展示出香港身為港口的歷史遺產。
