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Wind Chime
Wind Chime

Village Reinvented, MaD Festival 2016

Make a Difference Institute Limited

Kwai Tsing Theatre, Kwai Fong, Hong Kong

Exhibition Period
22 – 24 January 2016

As a response to the Forum’s main theme, the wind chime installation was created to allow participants to leave their comments, like a contemporary wishing tree.

The centrepiece is made of metal clips and bars that sound with the wind. Different shades of blue string are tied around the centrepiece to provide a site-specific connection to the surroundings, encouraging visitors to experience the existing site in new found ways.

The installation was then re-created for the HKIA ‘REVEAL2’ exhibition, and subsequently installed permanently at the Old Wing of the University of HK.

風 ‧ 聆
風 ‧ 聆

立村時間:Mad 年會 2016

MaD 創不同協作

香港 葵芳 葵青劇院

2016 年 1 月 22 日 至 24 日

為響應 MAD 2016 活動主題“立村時間”,以音樂為概念設計了 “風。聆” 這件裝置藝術。藝術品的主體由一千多個文件夾組成,不但像風鈴一樣鈴鐺作響,亦像現代許願樹一般 能讓參加者掛上自己的願望及志向。周邊不同深淺的藍色線條代表著城市中的樂譜,把藝術品的主體與附近環境聯繫著,為城市空間畫上新的面貌。隨著活動完結,被掛起的年輕一代的願望,就為 “風 ‧ 聆” 增添了靈魂。嘗試以不同方式的去催化參加者和社區的交流,而裝置藝術就成為了互動的媒介。每次的互動都會被妥善紀錄,亦成為今次展覽的一部分。透過重塑 “風 ‧ 聆”。我們希望展現如何用不同方式的裝置去豐富社區; 收集 REVEAL2 觀眾的意見從而了解是次展覽對社區的影響;以及鼓勵觀眾重新構想城市的空間。